The Gas We Pass

The Gas We Pass

Whether or not one admits to it, everyone has been guilty of "passing gas" at one time or another. Despite the fact that "letting one out" has a terrible social stigma and can be quite embarrassing, it is actually an extremely common, normal phenomenon. In fact, most...

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Plant Stanols and Sterols for Cholesterol Reduction

Plant Stanols and Sterols for Cholesterol Reduction

Those among us with elevated cholesterol levels are typically advised by health professionals to lose weight, exercise and consume a diet high in fiber and low in saturated fats and cholesterol. Although these measures can reduce one’s blood cholesterol, sometimes...

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Cutting the Cheese: the Healthy Way

Cutting the Cheese: the Healthy Way

Cheese- who doesn’t like it? Not many…in fact, there are some people who seem unable to go a day without it! Whether on a sandwich, salad, burger, crackers, potato, or even fries, cheese is popping up everywhere! At the turn of the 21st century, cheese consumption...

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To Soy or Not to Soy

To Soy or Not to Soy

From soy chicken cutlets, soy milk, and soy-based meat substitutes, to soy nuts, chips, soy-based energy bars, and protein products are popping up everywhere!  This trend is secondary to the highly publicized research on soy's health benefits.  Before...

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Acrylamide: A Cancer Causing Agent In Your Food?

Acrylamide: A Cancer Causing Agent In Your Food?

When you hear that eating certain foods, such as fruits and vegetables, decreases your risk of cancer, there is a pretty good chance you will start incorporating them into your diet. On the flip side, if a particular food may cause cancer, you will most likely steer...

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RED: The Color of Love … and Heart-Healthy Foods

RED: The Color of Love … and Heart-Healthy Foods

Whip up a delicious Valentine’s Day meal for your significant other using heart-healthy red foods Red wine Why it’s good for you: Red wine contains ethanol, resveratrol and phytochemicals. How to consume it: Moderation is key! To reap the heart-healthy benefits of...

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